Thursday, October 23, 2008

Zen In The Art of Ukulele

I have begun work on yet another project. In my pursuit of becoming a "real" Second Life musician I came across a nest of ukulele players on YouTube. It was love at first sight. I think partly because most of the uke players I initially encountered were not "stinkface" musicians but "smileyface" ones.* People like jaaaaaaa, russbuss415, and evilhamster95 . Serious musicians, especially highbrow ones, will cringe. Fine with me. In fact let's take a break to be entertained by Eric (evilhamster95)....

Wow. I feel better already. So in the process of the light coming on about the uke. I decided to chronicle my attempt to master the instrument. This tome will be called "zen in the art of the ukulele". As I progress (or flounder) you can witness the spectacle or play along at

These notes will be folded into the piece I'm generating on playing live music in SL, which I have decided to add to the SL Wiki under playing live music.


*I have since found plenty of "stinkface" uke players but I suspect most of them are guitarists who have also taken up the uke.

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